Author: Yinan Liu

NZRAB Fact Sheet

  The NZRAB has a fact sheet aimed at graduates or those about to graduate explaining what registration as an architect means, why it’s worth pursuing, and things that people starting their architectural careers...

150 Years of Discovery: Emerging Research – Submissions Open

The Royal Society Te Apārangi Early Career Researcher (ECR) Forum invites New Zealand’s ECRs and postgraduate students to celebrate and share their research, innovations, discoveries and insights through the 150 Years of Discovery: Emerging Research video competition.  ...

Wege Prize 2018 – Accepting Team Applications

The Wege Prize is an international student designs competition that gives teams of five the chance to collaborate across institutional, disciplinary and cultural boundaries, use design thinking principles, and contend for $30,000 in total...

Unleash Space – New Innovation Hub

  Your Unleash Space is opening soon! You’ll find a vibrant, welcoming space with the tools, support and inspiration to unleash your potential. The Unleash Space is your new innovation hub: your space, for...