Team Architects Scholarships for 2018 – CLOSING 1 SEPT

Team Architects New Zealand is a consortium of nine practices through-out New Zealand from Auckland to Wanaka who practice both independently and also collectively as Team Architects Ltd. With a strong design emphasis Team Architects have specialist ESD skills and a hands-on approach to project management. As a significant employer of architecture graduates, with over 80 staff, we are keen to strengthen the links between the Schools of Architecture and practice. This being the 13th year of the Team Architects Scholarships they are the only national award competed for by 1 st year Masters of Architecture (Professional) students. It is awarded to assist with the completion of M Arch (Prof) studies in the following year


Team Architects Scholarship Supreme Award:

The monetary value of the Team Architects Scholarship Supreme Award is $3000 and is presented with a certificate.

Team Architects Scholarship Distinction Awards:

Two Scholarship Distinction Awards of $1000 may be awarded to students from each of the other two Schools of Architecture with a certificate.

Successful candidates are to use the Scholarships for study in the following calendar year for completion of their degree on providing evidence of enrollment.



For more information and application form, click here

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