Communique tomorrow – Ngarimu Blair
You are warmly invited to attend Ngarimu Blair’s Communique lecture From Maungakiekie Pa to Kupe Street on Thursday 10th April at 12pm in the Design Lecture Theatre (423-348).
Maungakiekie Pa was once the largest fortified village in New Zealand. By 1951 Ngati Whatua were effectively homeless, with 33 families living as state tenants at Orakei. Ngati Whatua Orakei has ambitious plans to assist its people into home ownership overcoming significant socio-economic, planning and financing barriers to create a modern pa in one of Auckland’s most affluent suburbs at Orakei.
Ngarimu is a geographer with 15 years’ experience in advancing a range of iwi issues in Auckland City. Ngarimu established the largest ecological restoration project on the Auckland isthmus at Bastion Point and has instigated a number of city art and urban design projects that have highlighted the Māori history of the City. He is a Treaty settlement negotiator for Ngati Whatua and spokesperson on many matters. He is heavily involved in Ngati Whatua’s innovative tribal housing projects. He is a trustee on the Ngati Whatua Orakei Trust, a Director on Waterfront Auckland, Ngati Whatua Orakei Whai Rawa Ltd and Nga Tira Ltd.
No registration or RVSP is required for this event, but seating is limited so please arrive on time to ensure a seat.
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