Category: Competitions

Brick Bay Folly competition 2019

The Brick Bay Sculpture Trust invites proposals for the 5th annual Brick Bay Folly competition. The competition winners will receive a grant to the value of $30,000 to allow them to develop an execute a design-build project that explores...

Architex: SNUG competition

Architex: SNUG competition

Architex are looking for three Auckland University students who might be interested in joining their office for a week (from July 23 to July 27) as they develop design submissions for the SNUG competition by...

YAC 2018 Seduction Pavilion

There will be a total amount of 10.000 € in prize money for the awarded proposals + realization of the first prize project. The jury of the competition gathers outstanding international personalities like Patricia Urquiola , Fabio Novembre, Ippolito Petellini Laparelli (OMA), Claudio Silvestrin....

NZPrefab Snug design competition 2018

This year’s theme for the NZ Prefab competition is the SNUG- A home in my backyard. The purpose of this SNUG Design Competition is to produce an amazing, well-designed, gorgeous, sustainable, affordable and very...

Best Design Awards 2018

Best Design Awards 2018 Student Categories —Today’s design students are tomorrow’s industry professionals. Now is your chance to have your project seen by industry leaders and the opportunity to become a Best Awards Finalist....

Affordable Housing Design Challenge 2018

The building trust is very excited to announce the launch of the 8th Building Trust international design competition which is in association with the United Nations Development Programme and the Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone. The competition entitled ‘Affordable Housing...