NZPrefab Snug design competition 2018

This year’s theme for the NZ Prefab competition is the SNUG- A home in my backyard.

The purpose of this SNUG Design Competition is to produce an amazing, well-designed, gorgeous,
sustainable, affordable and very clever Accessory Dwelling Unit. The SNUG responds to the need to
provide affordable housing options that maximise existing sections. It is intended to house family
members as they transition from home to independence, or aging parents as they need to be closer to
home and maintain a degree of independence.

This competition is brought to you in partnership with Auckland Council who are looking to provide building consent pre-assessment of the selected finalists.

This SNUG Design Competition is being organised by PrefabNZ with marketing and judging assistance from Supporting Partner organisations.
PrefabNZ acknowledges and follows the NZ Institute of Architects (NZIA) Architectural Design
Competition Guidelines.

The outcome will be a printed and digital pattern-book of pre-consented SNUG options. Discussions with
existing home publication entities are ongoing – the magazine will end up in the hands of supermarket
shoppers, straight to where it can be of most value.


Prizes are:

$10,000 prize pool for the finalists. (Finalists must be prepared to complete full working
drawings for consent application.)


PrefabNZ will make every endeavour towards a winning design being built for display.


For the Brief, click here: PrefabNZ SNUG

For more information, visit

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