Volunteering: Archikids & NZCB Apprentice Challenge

The inaugural event will run in conjunction with the NZCB Apprentice Challenge on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd April 2018 – The Gallery, Motat 2 – Aviation Display Hall.


They are looking for volunteers to help facilitate this event – a general request has also gone out via the NZIA and ADNZ. So please feel free to forward to those you think may be interested in volunteering or attending. Given the nature of the event our preference is for those involved in the industry to be volunteers.



Below is what we are now looking for, this also has the support of the NZIA and ADNZ, so you can apply for CPD, so we would appreciate if you were able to help us as a volunteer for a session on the day, a brief blurb below and more information about the activities in the attached. You could also link to the Australian website www.archikidz.com.au to learn more about what they have been doing.


If you would like to volunteer your time and get involved by inspiring and empowering young thinkers and city makers through participation we have 4 sessions

  • Saturday 21st April 2018- 9am- 1pm
  • Saturday 21st April 2018- 1pm- 4pm
  • Sunday 22nd April 2018- 9am- 1pm
  • Sunday 22nd April 2018- 1pm- 4pm

We are looking for up to 12 volunteers per session please email your interest by close of business Wednesday and what sessions you could assist with to hello@archikidz.nz

For more information please see attached pdf.

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