NZRAB Fact Sheet
The NZRAB has a fact sheet aimed at graduates or those about to graduate explaining what registration as an architect means, why it’s worth pursuing, and things that people starting their architectural careers...
The NZRAB has a fact sheet aimed at graduates or those about to graduate explaining what registration as an architect means, why it’s worth pursuing, and things that people starting their architectural careers...
Greetings from Aditya College Of Architecture, Mumbai, India! It is our immense pleasure to announce the 5th edition of ACA’s International Design Competition 2017 and introduce this year’s competition brief, ‘INHABITING NATURE’; an attempt to reconcile the relationship...
Acclaimed architectural and urban landscape photographer and filmmaker Cristobal Palma will be speaking in Auckland. Cristobal Palma will present the keynote presentation at the MOVING SPACES SYMPOSIUM. Fri 22 Sept, 6.00pm Whitecliffe College of...
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