Communiqué 2013 – Rachel Shearer: 16 April, 12pm
Date: 16 April 2013
Time: 12pm – 1pm
Venue: Auckland Art Gallery Auditorium
Cost: Free
Contact email:
Website: Communiqué 2013
Rachel Shearer is an artist and designer who works primarily withsound. Creating music for film (most recently the 2012 feature documentary How Far is Heaven, directed by Chris Pryor and Miriam Smith) complements her art and design practice. In recent works Shearer has been exploring the materiality of sound and the (acoustic) resonances of genealogies in site-specific installation practice. Through these works, particularly the public art commissions Imperceptible Degrees (2010-2015) in Albert Park and The Flooded Mirror (2011), a permanent sound installation situated in the Wynyard Quarter at the foot of Te Wero bridge, Shearer looks to build a spatial presence based entirely on the vibrations of acoustic forms. Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s “Geophilosphy”, a philosophy based on the idea that philosophical concepts operate within and are dependent upon the complex processes of earthly life, and the M?ori notion of “whakapapa” provide a framework for discussing her current research and practice in her presentation for the Communiqué Lecture Series.
Shearer also lectures part-time at Elam School of Fine Arts and has recently commenced PhD study at AUT.
All lectures are free and open to the public.
All lectures earn 10 NZIA CPD points.
For podcasts and further information visit
How to Get There:
Auckland Art Gallery Auditorium
Auckland Art Gallery Toi o T?maki.
Cnr Kitchener & Wellesley Streets,
Auckland City
The 2013 Communiqué Lecture Series is presented in association with the 5th Auckland Triennial If you were to live here…, curated by Hou Hanru.
The Triennial is organised by Auckland Art Gallery with major partner AUT University.
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