Monthly Archive: May 2012

Rhinoceros Advanced – Digital Toolbox

Tutorial 01: Macro Tutorial 02: Section Tutorial 03: Section Perspective Tutorial 04: Transform Array Tutorial 05: Patch Tutorial 06: Implicit History Tutorial 07: Flow Along Surface Tutorial 08: Layout Tutorial 09: Render Tutorial 10:...

Rhinoceros Basic – Digital Toolbox

Tutorial 01: Interface Tutorial 02: Custom Interface Tutorial 03: Custom Template Tutorial 04: Basic Commands Tutorial 05: Basic Geometry Tutorial 06: Curves Tutorial 07: (Poly)surfaces Tutorial 08: AI – Import Export Tutorial 09: Export...

Grasshopper Advanced – Digital Toolbox

Tutorial 01: Export to excel Tutorial 02: Cull and curve on surface Tutorial 03: Fillet diagrid Tutorial 04: vbScript button Tutorial 05: vbScript basics Tutorial 06: vbScript if and else Tutorial 07: Split List Tutorial...

Grasshopper Intermediate – Digital Toolbox

Tutorial 01: Condition statements Tutorial 02: Interval Box Tutorial 03: Move and Loft Tutorial 04: Range vs Series Tutorial 05: Series and interpolate curve Tutorial 06: list Item Tutorial 07: Sublist Tutorial 08: 4pt...

Grasshopper Basic – Digital Toolbox

Tutorial 01: Covers installation and user interface Tutorial 02: Using basic mathematical buttons Tutorial 03: Plot mathematical points Tutorial 04: Extrude circles with rhino points Tutorial 05: Tweak situations further with a graph Tutorial...

Mind Blooms

Hello Ihsu, thank you for taking the time to talk to us. Tell us a bit about yourself… When did you discover 3D and VFX? What programs/plugins/scripts do you use? Born in South Korea...

Unnamed soundsculpture

httpvh://   Project by Daniel Franke & Cedric Kiefer produced by: Documentation: Music: Machinefabriek “Kreukeltape” The basic idea of the project is built upon the consideration of creating a moving...

Patterned by Nature

httpvh:// Patterned by Nature was commissioned by the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences ( for the newly built Nature Research Center in Raleigh, North Carolina. The exhibit celebrates our abstraction of nature’s infinite...